Childcare: Working From Home Tools
Working from home has been with us for more than a few years now yet working from home with childcare is still a very appealing idea.
We can be more productive, focus on our daily work tasks and concentrate on what the boss is saying without worrying about the kids disturbing the call.
The market for Work From Home child care jobs must be picking up right? While the mother or father works from home their child may just need some entertaining to keep them occupied. To be clear I am not suggesting that a small vulnerable child be left alone with just a nanny watching them on the screen but I can see how such a service could be useful.
For me, regretably, the ipad remains the greatest nanny we use to entertain and occupy the kids while they're home and I'm still working.
Caps N Lock® : Helping With Childcare
A common use of our products is to help employees stay connected to work while they tend to childcare matters elsewhere in the house. Caps N Lock® is a clip for a computer keyboard that keeps Teams Available while you leave your computer.